Friday, July 22, 2011

Costume Sale!

I'm currently having a huge costume sale! Check out what's for sale at:

I'm also selling a pair of Tree of Life leather bracers for $65:They're meant to fit a lady's arm, but are fully adjustable due to the lacing.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Star Tea and Scones

Yesterday I started playing with a recipe for peach scones and also got to try out the new cookie cutters Jaime gave me for my birthday! The result: some very yummy butterfly and owl pastries, lightly glazed with frosting:

Up next I think I'll work on perfecting a recipe for cinnamon scones (one of my favorite kinds!). The trick for moist scones I've found is buttermilk. That stuff works wonders. My mom and I were thinking the other day about how fun it would be to host a tea party sometime! Yes, we're both still little girls at heart.

Yesterday I also did a "Kelsey's favorite things of summer" shot.

-Deborah Lippman nailpolish in "Prelude to a Kiss" and "Dream a little Dream of Me"
-Rouge CoCo Chanel Shine in Monte-Carlo lipstick
-Miss Dior Cherie
-Fresh gardenia blossom
-Charlie II owl mug
-Green tea and bunny grahams
-Jane Eyre and Mrs. Dalloway
-Hair comb

I've been very much enjoying my hot tea despite it being summer. It's a nice way to re-energize or relax (depending on whether it's caffeinated or not). Hot tea and fruit: what an odd combination, huh? But, that's been my diet. That and lots of carbs (as per usual).

The new book is coming along slowly but surely. I hope to have it done by the end of the summer (secret realistic goal=Christmas). But, I have a lot I want to get done by the end of the summer. It's just so hard to find inspiration and motivation most days. That's why reading and embroidery are nice: they require neither yet are still fun, productive activities.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Over-Due Update

Wow, it's been a long time since I've posted! In all truth, I totally forgot that I even had a blog. Sad, no? But, in updating the website ( I found this and wa-la!

I'm currently working on finishing up a large elven gown commission. It's a white and silver Arwen-style gown, covered in beading and embroidery of snowdrops. It looks like it could be a wedding gown, so that's probably how I'll list it. Anyway, I'm on the corset right now and after that and making a few adjustments to the main gown, it'll be finished! So, pictures of that are to come, but you can see some of the embroidery/designs on the main site in the embroidery gallery.

So hopefully more updates will come soon! (I'll try harder, promise!)