Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Over-Due Update

Wow, it's been a long time since I've posted! In all truth, I totally forgot that I even had a blog. Sad, no? But, in updating the website (http://www.flaxandkite.com) I found this and wa-la!

I'm currently working on finishing up a large elven gown commission. It's a white and silver Arwen-style gown, covered in beading and embroidery of snowdrops. It looks like it could be a wedding gown, so that's probably how I'll list it. Anyway, I'm on the corset right now and after that and making a few adjustments to the main gown, it'll be finished! So, pictures of that are to come, but you can see some of the embroidery/designs on the main site in the embroidery gallery.

So hopefully more updates will come soon! (I'll try harder, promise!)